A Convergent-mixed Method Study on the Attitudes and Perception Towards Suicide Memes and Suicidality

Christian Jasper C. Nicomedes1, *
, Christoper F. Sasot1
, Geraldine F. Santos1
, John Mark S. Distor1
, Pricila B. Marzan1
, Aimee Rose Manda1

1 Polytechnic University of the Philippines, 808 Tandang Sora Ave., Old Balara, Quezon City, Philippines

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, 808 Tandang Sora Ave., Old Balara, Quezon City, Philippines; E-mail:



As the number of social media users rises, so does the popularity of internet memes. This includes suicide memes, which are centered on the surreal aspects of human life, existence, and voluntary death. Opinions vary; some find them triggering and offensive, advocating against their presence on social media. Meanwhile, others see them as harmless entertainment for the audience.


The researchers examined the perception of suicide memes relative to suicidal behaviors of 230 respondents. The convergent-mixed method was utilized to analyze both quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously.


The study found that most respondents reported self-injury without suicidal intent, desires to be dead, and suicidal thoughts. Additionally, a significant portion experienced isolation or feelings of loneliness, and the majority had not received any treatment. More participants reported experiencing suicidality over their lifetime and within the past month and found suicide memes entertaining. Qualitative analysis revealed themes including humor, inappropriateness, relatability, triggering, destigmatization, and perception dependence on delivery/poster. Respondents not wishing to die expressed negative reactions, while those with suicidal ideation found the memes amusing or soothing.


The study reveals a complicated and split view among social media users regarding the propriety and impact of such content by finding a substantial correlation between people who engage in self-injury activities and those who find suicide memes amusing. The results imply the need for greater tact and awareness while posting or making suicide-related memes on social media, especially considering the varied viewpoints and experiences of people with different degrees of suicidality.

Keywords: Suicide, Suicide memes, Suicidal behavior, Technology, Social media, Death.