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A Peace Pedagogy Model for the Development of Peace Culture in An Education Setting

The Open Psychology Journal 28 Oct 2017 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874350101710010182



In today’s global situation, the issue of living together in peace and harmony is increasingly crucial and has become a challenge for all, including the education sector.


In this regard and because of the need to develop a harmonious and peaceful world, the present study aimed at constructing a peace pedagogy model which could foster a culture of peace in any educational institution. To elaborate, we describe the implementation process of a peace model in a school environment. For appropriateness, a qualitative approach with a case study method was used. 35 students were taken as the participants of the study, chosen from the eleventh grade of the science class of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia’s demonstration High School, plus 7 teachers were taken from Indonesian Language, History, Civic Education, Islamic Education, Arts, Guidance and Counseling, and Biology departments. All the participants were purposively selected as informants to the study.


The model was demonstrated in 14 class sessions of 40 minutes each spread across the seven mentioned school subjects. Data were analysed thematically and triangulated based on theoretical comparison and personal reflection. Conclusively, it was etablished that the model's implementation had no significant effect on the creation of a safe and peaceful classroom environment based on the zone of peace parameters. It was finally revealed that their weaknesses regarding the model's construction, teachers’ knowledge about the model, differences in teachers’ abilities, challenges in classroom management and inadquate student support activities.

Keywords: Pedagogy, Peace, Culture, Safe and peaceful, Education, Institution.
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