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Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis to Evaluate Construct Validity of the Indonesian Palatable Eating Motives Scale (I-PEMS)

The Open Psychology Journal 14 Feb 2020 LETTER DOI: 10.2174/1874350102013010001


The purpose of this work is to establish the validity of the Indonesian Palatable Eating Motives Scale (I-PEMS) and to describe the characteristics in palatable eating motives among current Indonesian young adults. The Original Palatable Eating Motives Scale (PEMS) was translated into Indonesian and back-translated into English to confirm the conceptual and linguistic equivalence. The scale was administered to emerging adults aged 18-25 years old. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the I-PEMS has an acceptable factor structure. The result provided evidence of four factors of palatable eating motives. No significant difference from the I-PEMS score between males and females. The association was only observed between the scores of Conformity motive and Body Mass Index.

Keywords: Factor analysis, Psychometric, Palatable eating, Motivation, Body mass index, Construct validity.
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