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Is Sexting a Matter in Marriage? The Role of Body Acceptance by Spouse on Sexual Satisfaction

The Open Psychology Journal 22 Aug 2023 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/18743501-v16-230815-2023-44



Sexual satisfaction is considered as an important factor in sexual relations with spouses. One influential factor in sexual satisfaction is body image. Body image and sexual satisfaction have a strong correlation in both males and females. Body image is determined by the individual's perception of his/her body, which can be divided into positive and negative body image. One of the constructs of positive body image is body acceptance by others, which in this study is limited to spouses. Individuals who have greater satisfaction with their physical appearance tend to have better sexual function and pursue new sexual experiences such as sexting. Sexting is a unique sexual behavior and serves as novelty in sexual relations between spouses so that it is considered a factor that can affect one's sexual satisfaction. This study aims to examine the role of body acceptance by a spouse on sexual satisfaction, with sexting behavior as a mediator, in married men and women in early adulthood.


The design of this study was correlational and cross-sectional. A total of 384 married men and women between the ages of 20-40 were selected as the research sample using convenience sampling technique. The research instruments used in this study were the Extended Satisfaction with Life Scale (ESWLS), Body Acceptance by Others Scale-2 (BAOS-2), and Sexting Behavior Scale (SBS).


The data was statistically analyzed using regression analysis and SOBEL mediation analysis. The results showed that sexting behavior was found to partially mediate the indirect role of body acceptance by a partner on sexual satisfaction (IE = .080; z = 3.113, sig. = .001 < .05). In addition, body acceptance by a partner also plays a direct role in predicting increased sexual satisfaction in early-adult married men and women (B = .604, sig. = .001 < .05).


Body acceptance by a spouse can predict an increase in sexual satisfaction both directly and indirectly with sexting behavior as a mediator in early-adult married men and women. Sexting behavior can be a fun alternative for married couples to increase sexual satisfaction with their partner.

Keywords: Sexual satisfaction, Sexting behavior, Positive body image, Body acceptance by spouse,Marriage, Early adulthood.
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