Internet Usage: A Crutch for Postgraduate Students with Poor Mental Health

Sharon Sucharitha Gold Nemalladinne1, *
1 Department of Psychology, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, India

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© 2023 Sharon Sucharitha Gold Nemalladinne

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Psychology, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, India; E-mail:



The intricacies of developing internet systems endowed with serendipity and surprises and the relationships among internet users as individuals and collectives have attracted the attention of several researchers from various disciplines to examine the emergent phenomena. The present study seeks to understand internet usage in the realm of psychology, where it has a profound effect on the mental health of the individual. Numerous studies have indicated that internet usage results in poor mental health and that it is responsible for psychological problems. However, on the contrary, the present study seeks to examine if the internet is being used as a mental support system for those with issues of mental health.


This study aims to understand the predictive value of mental health in calculating internet usage among postgraduate students.


The objective of this study is to identify whether mental health and internet usage vary with gender, to explore the relationship between mental health and internet usage, and to identify if internet usage may be predicted through mental health.


The sample of the study consisted of N= 1040 drawn from postgraduate students studying in various universities of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in India. It is not only a gender representative but also a socio-economic representative of Indian society. The Mental Health Inventory and the Internet Addiction Scale were the tools used for the collection of data.


The results obtained were analysed using SPSS. The findings t (1035) = -3.43, p = 0.001 suggested a significant difference among the genders pertaining to mental health, and t (1031) = 7.72, p < 0.001 revealed gender difference in internet usage. Results of Pearson’s correlation analysis revealed a negative and significant correlation with r = -0.212 (p <.01). Regression analysis depicted that internet usage could be predicted through mental well-being significantly at t (1035) = 11.96, F = 48.71, and p < 0.001.


There is a significant gender difference in mental health and internet usage. Mental health and internet usage have a significant negative correlation. Internet usage can be predicted through the mental health of an individual.

Keywords: Mental health, Internet usage, Gender, Post-graduate students, Internet addiction, Mental well-being.