Cortisol and Cardiac Reactivity in the Context of Sex Discrimination: The Moderating Effects of Mood and Perceived Control

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Cortisol and Cardiac Reactivity in the Context of Sex Discrimination: The Moderating Effects of Mood and Perceived Control

The Open Psychology Journal 22 Jan 2008 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874350100801010001


The high incidence of stressor-related pathologies among stigmatized groups has been associated with experiences of discrimination. The present study demonstrated that following a mood priming manipulation (anger vs. sadness), an acute sex discrimination event influenced women’s (N=61) salivary cortisol levels as well as systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure. Among women primed to feel sad, cortisol levels declined over the course of the experimental session, likely reflecting a decline of arousal. However, among those primed to feel angry the cortisol levels were sustained over the session, especially if they perceived the possibility of rectifying their failed status (control). As well, SBP and DBP increased following the discrimination experience irrespective of perceived control. Among women primed to feel angry, feelings of hostility were associated with higher SBP and heart rate. Evidently, sex discrimination affects stress-reactive physiological systems among women, and might thus influence vulnerability to pathology.

Keywords: Sex discrimination, anger, hostility, perceived control, cortisol, cardiovascular reactivity.