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Analysis of Russians’ Views on Personal Qualities as a Basis for Prosocial Safe Behavior Factors’ Identification

The Open Psychology Journal 21 Apr 2020 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874350102013010040



Currently, the research on social psychology, security psychology, professional psychology and environmental psychology indicates that prosocial behavior is a predictor or factor for ensuring security (for individuals, groups, societies, and the environment). This indicates the need to justify the category of safe prosocial behavior of individuals.


This research focused on the identification of any psychological factor of safe prosocial behavior of an individual based on Russians’ views on personal qualities in advancing national interests and socio-cultural transformations.


The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the theory of social norms of pro-social behavior. To examine the Russians’ ideas of the safe prosocial behavior, we conducted empirical research, which involved 583 people. In the first stage, we formed a list of possible qualities and motives (descriptors) of the safe prosocial human behavior with the use of focus groups. In the second stage, we used a special questionnaire in order to construct a subjective semantic space of the personal safe prosocial behavior based on the semantic differential method.


Results of the factor analysis to identify factors affecting safe prosocial behavior in modern society allowed determining seven factors.


The obtained data provide an understanding that the safe prosocial human behavior appears to be mainly motivated by institutional and moral norms and is characterized by resources that ensure the psychological stability and well-being of an individual. Norms of collective behavior, religious norms and norms of following national traditions seemed to be dominant in affecting the behavior of individuals.

Keywords: Psychological factors, Perceptions, Safe prosocial behavior, Safety, Social norms, Social Psychology.
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