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Social and Behavioral Rhythms is Related to the Perception of Quality of Life in Old Adults

Mauro Giovanni Carta1 , * Open Modal Elisa Pintus1 Rosanna Zaccheddu1 Omar Callia1 Giuliana Conti1 Cesar Ivan Aviles Gonzalez2 Luigi Minerba1 Roberto Demontis1 Massimiliano Pau3 Eleonora Cocco1 Maria Petronilla Penna4 Goce Kalcev5 Stefano Lorrai1 Fernanda Velluzzi1 Andrea Lovoselli1 Marco Monticone1 Maria Valeria Massidda1 Maria Rita Pinna1 Laura Atzori1 Alberto Cauli1 Alessandra Scano6 Germano Orrù6 Antonio Crisafulli1 Sofia Cosentino1 Sergio Machado7 Dario Fortin8 Gian Mario Migliaccio9 Gabriele Finco1 Mario Musu1 Giulia Cossu1 Authors Info & Affiliations
The Open Psychology Journal 15 December 2022 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/18743501-v15-e220927-2021-111



The purpose is to verify in old adults if social and behavioral rhythms (SBRs) are correlated with a positive perception of the quality of life (QoL). Social and behavioral rhythms and related circadian biorhythms are known as central points in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorders. A secondary aim is to see if a similar relationship can be found in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in old adults. Sample: 141 people aged ≥65 years (58.9% Female).


Each subject was evaluated using the Social and Behavioral Rhythms Scale (in which higher scores show more dysfunctional SRBs); SF-12 for QoL and a screening tool for depressive symptoms. They underwent a medical evaluation and blood level assays including cholesterol and triglycerides. The medical diagnoses including MDD were taken into account.


The Social and Behavioral Rhythms Scale score correlated inversely with SF-12 score (p<0.001) and positively with PHQ9 (p<0.0001). People with MDD had a higher score on social rhythms than controls without (p<0.01). The study highlighted, for the first time, that social and behavioral rhythms have a role in old adults living in the community.


Further longitudinal studies with a sufficient number of individuals will be required to confirm these data and clarify causal links of the association.

Keywords: Social rhythm, Behavioral rhythm, Well-being, Old adults, Positive well-being, Association.
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