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The Power of Psychological Safety: Investigating its Impact on Team Learning, Team Efficacy, and Team Productivity
The key to success is to banish fear and create a thriving environment that allows people to speak their minds without any fear, an environment that allows people to be vulnerable. This environment, known as psychological safety, when present at the workplace, makes people feel comfortable with them, ask bold questions, share concerns, and ask for help, resulting in high team performance and lower team conflicts. A lack of psychological safety at work impacts the team’s performance and the organization’s bottom line.
This research shows the effect of psychological safety on team learning and team efficacy. The study is done on regular employees and finds the relation of aforementioned. Psychological safety, too, is critical for a team's success, which is the backbone of today's businesses. To improve workplace psychological safety, leaders must first go within to comprehend and incorporate their feelings and concerns and then look outside to help others. Since the research only focuses on team learning and team efficacy, it can further be researched on Team Leadership, Mentoring/coaching.
The objective of the study was to investigate whether there is a correlation between learning behaviours, Team Efficacy, and Team Productivity. And also, to study the relationship between these variables and psychological safety. Team psychological safety refers to the shared belief among team members that they can take interpersonal risks without fear of negative consequences. This study also examined the impact of team psychological safety on team efficacy.
The study was conducted with a sample size of 101 respondents. Snowball and convenience sampling were found appropriate for this study as the study focused on team efficacy and learning behavior. Regression analysis was used to study the impact of Team psychological safety on learning behavior and team efficacy and test the hypothesis.
The result of this study was that team dynamics are significantly impacted by psychological safety, team learning, and team efficacy in teams and, thereby productivity. It was also found that the Team's psychological safety is favourably correlated with organizational work teams. The Team's effectiveness is positively impacted by team psychological safety.
This study contributes significantly to the literature on the concept of psychological safety. Adding significant value to Leading management thinkers, consultants, and psychologists. The research concludes that team dynamics are significantly impacted by psychological safety, team learning, team efficacy, and productivity in teams. Moreover, this study aimed to promote psychological safety, which is also essential for team success and is the foundation of today's enterprises.