Emotions Including Anger, Bodily Sensations and The “Living Matrix”

Tina Lindhard*, #
Sofia Unversity, Palo Alto, California, USA
1 Present Addrss: CCA Spain, Pico de la Pala 6, Madrid 28792, Spain

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© 2015 Tina Lindhard

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* Address correspondence to this author at the CCA Spain, Pico de la Pala 6, Madrid 28792, Spain; Tel: 34 659067797; E-mail:


The importance of the body is enormous; it is our physical reality. So maybe it is about time we recognize not only that "there is no human function which does not involve both the brain and social context" [1], but also that there is certainly no human function that does not also involve our bodies and all that this implies. And we may well ask what in fact does this imply? Science in general has been interested in a world "out there". However, largely due to quantum physics, consciousness, awareness, inner experiencing and human perception are now being taken seriously in many fields of study such as transpersonal psychology, anthropology, and neuroscience. Even new disciplines like consciousness studies and electronic biology are being created. Psychology, in its endeavor to be recognized as a science, has largely made an object of its field of interest by looking at the human being in a mechanical way. Psychology too, almost by definition, has concerned itself mainly with certain aspects, namely the mind (usually associated with the brain), neurological processes and behavior and it has therefore neglected the body. The phenomenological method, as an additional way of gaining information through introspection, will also briefly be discussed here In this essay the effect of our thoughts when naming an emotion such as anger and fear on our bodies will be considered. In addition the "living matrix" model, which owes its origin to quantum mechanics and electronic biology, will be presented as a new complementary way of understanding how the living organism functions. The basic tenets of the quantum reality will also be presented.

Keywords: Anger, body, emotions, living matrix, quantum mechanics, thoughts.