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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Effort to Improve Self Acceptance of Adolescents in Orphanage

The Open Psychology Journal 14 Sept 2017 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874350101710010161



The Ministry of Social Affairs found several relevant facts about the condition of child care in orphanages across five cities in Indonesia, among others is the lack of attention to the fulfillment of emotional needs and psychosocial development. This problem persists despite the knowledge that major changes in maturity and psychosocial development, particularly associated with the social function, progressed greatly during adolescence, increasing the need for intensive psychological assistance during self-discovery. The process of self-discovery always begins with self-acceptance.


This study aims to empirically test the influence of CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) on self-acceptance in adolescents living in an orphanage. The proposed hypothesis in this study is as follows: There is a difference in the level of self-acceptance that adolescent showed before and after receiving lessons on self-acceptance through CBT.


This research used a quantitative research method with the untreated control group design with multiple dependent pretest and post-test. Data analysis was done through mixed ANOVA. The subjects of the study were young (adolescent) orphans of Samsah in Kudus. We used purposive sampling to collect the sample. The number of subjects in the experimental and control groups was 12 subjects.


The results of this study show that CBT plays a significant role as a stimulus in improving adolescents' self-acceptance. The major contribution of CBT in improving self-acceptance in adolescents is 68.6%. An orphanage is expected to provide additional lessons on life, social support, and positive thinking that could sustainably support the stimulation that CBT has given to increase adolescents’ self-acceptance.

Keywords: Self-Acceptance, Orphanage, Adolescent, Social Support, Positive Thinking, Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
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