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Teachers Organizational Commitment in Elementary School: A Study in Banjarmasın Indonesia
Teachers organizational commitment had been found to affect their quality of work, and productivity.
The objectives of the study were to analyze teachers organizational commitment for each dimension; to analyze teachers organizational commitment between excellent and low achievement schools, and to analyze teachers organizational commitment between excellent and low achievement schools in urban and suburban areas in Banjarmasin. A number of respondents were teachers from 247 elementary school in Banjarmasin. The Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) had been used to measure the commitment of teachers. Data analysis were the means, one-way ANOVA, and two-way ANOVA.
The research showed that teacher organizational commitment in elementary schools in Banjarmasin is very good. The continuous commitment has the highest value of the mean. The continuous commitment describes economical reasons. Mean value of organization commitment both excellent schools and low achievement school are 3.93 and 3.38. Mean for teacher’s organizational commitment of excellent schools in urban is 4.11, and 3.29 for suburban. Mean of low achievement school in urban is 3.71, while the mean of low achievement school in sub-urban is 3.29. F value for the interaction on teacher’s organizational commitment between excellent and low achievement schools both in urban and suburban areas is 5.368, which is significant (<0.05).
It means a significant difference exists in teacher’s organizational commitment between excellent schools and low achievement schools both in urban and suburban areas in Banjarmasin.
Teachers determine the success of education in the school [1, 2]. A school will be effective if the teachers are fully responsible [3, 4]. The teacher's commitment plays a key role in achieving the good quality of educational goals [5, 6].
Commitment determines the success of teaching [6]. Commitment is a principle, which must be owned by a professional teacher. Commitment is a person's covenant with itself to carry out a task with full responsibility, care, and high loyalty [5].
Students’ achievement is related to teachers’ commitment. Commitment is a very important factor that enables certain goals to be accomplished [7]. Teacher’s commitment to education affects students learning [8, 9]. A study [10] found that teachers' commitment to improving the teaching quality is not encouraging as they still use conventional strategies, although they receive the training. Students' achievement was low due to low commitment of teacher to its profession [11].
Factors that contribute to teacher commitment include status perception, expectations of people, the profession of interest, intrinsic motivation, social motivation, positive group motivation, perceived advancement, and skills improvement for professional purpose. High commitment of teacher affects the goal and value of teacher professionalism [12].
Area of commitment consists of commitment for the student, commitment for the community, commitment to the profession, commitment for the excellent action, and commitment of basic value. Commitment for the students is very important as they need a teacher who understands their instincts, learning needs, and student capacity. Commitment for a community is related to the schools and community. Commitment for the profession is the various innovative methods of teaching to achieve effective learning. Commitment for the excellent value is the teacher who commits to become a professional and a better teacher. Commitment to the basic value is that the teacher serves as the role model for the students [13].
Commitment is divided into three dimensions, i.e. organizational commitment, professional commitment, and union commitment [14]. According to a study [15], commitment to the organization is the readiness to stay in the organization by connecting to the organization's goal. Hence, this study [15] addressed that commitment comprises three components i.e. affective, normative, and continuous. Professional commitment is the extent of the people acceptance of the profession and its value. Union commitment is a commitment to the professional association or union [14].
Affective commitment, which is also addressed as attitude commitment refers to one's attitude that a person feels between himself and the organization is parallel. People with highly affective commitment will remain in the organization because they are willing to [15].
Normative Commitment, which is one's desire to stay in the organization because of tasks and work obligation, dedication, or morale. Normally, this commitment is encouraged by individual culture and work ethics, making one feels obliged to keep staying in the organization. This commitment is different than the other two commitments because this commitment does not relate to the purpose or mission of the organization, but purely because of the values being carried along by the personnel [15].
Continuous commitment is referred to as calculative commitment, in which one considers economically that he needs to continuously be in the organization. The consideration is based on two points: (1) as an individual whose future is guaranteed, has become a senior personnel, expertise and membership that cannot be transferred, local affiliation, family bonding, and so on that need economic sacrifice; and (2) one that feels he has to continue to be in the organization because he has no other work option [15].
The factor that has an impact on teacher's organizational commitment is organizational climate school. Organizational climates school has an impact on employee’s positive emotions. The positive emotion of a teacher has implication on the organization [16].
The various problems in Banjarmasin City are low performance among students and low discipline among teachers. The condition has an effect on teachers organizational commitment. Teacher commitment can lead to lower quality of learning achieved by students. This problem is certainly a problem for schools, students, and teachers. The objectives of studies are:
- To analyze teachers organizational commitment for each dimension;
- To analyze teachers organizational commitment between excellent and low achievement schools;
- To evaluate teachers organizational commitment between excellent and low achievement schools in urban and suburban areas in Banjarmasin.
The population of this study was all teachers in elementary schools in Banjarmasin as many as 2,276 of 247 elementary schools. To determine the respondents, the following criteria consist of (1) teachers who teach at state elementary schools, (2) teachers who have been taught in the schools since at least two years. The teachers consisted of 4 categories such as teachers on excellent schools in the urban area, teachers on excellent schools in the suburban area, teachers on low achievement school in the urban area, and teachers on low achievement school in the suburban area. The sample of the research consists of 247 teachers. Each school was taken as one sample of teacher. The number of teachers on excellent schools in the urban area was 15 teachers, the number of teachers on excellent schools in the suburban area was 15 teachers, the number of teachers on low achievement schools in the urban area was 108, and the number of teachers on low achievement schools in the suburban area was 109.
The characteristics of low achievement schools are low quality of school building, low-performance students, unhealthy environment and school culture, less efficient teachers and headmasters, and less innovative and less creative learning process. The characteristics of excellent schools are excellence, competence, and good performance schools [17]. Organizational Commitment Questionnaires (OCQ) by Allen and Meyer (1990) has been used to measure teacher’s organizational commitment. The organizational commitment questionnaires contain 24 items in three dimensions, (1) commitment for the schools effectively, (2) commitment for the schools continuously, (3) commitment for the schools normatively. All eight items of the affective commitment depend on the target and tap the mindset, and emotional attachment. Six items of continuous commitment refer to the organization, tap perceived costs or barriers to exit, and staying/leaving behavioral terms. Eight items of normative commitment scale refer to the organization. Five of the eight items directly refer to the focal behavior, staying/leaving. Three items indirectly refer to it (they mention remaining loyal or something similar) [18]. According to Allen and Meyer (1990), the instrument is valid and reliable to measure teacher’s organizational commitment through its five-point Likert scale with 1=strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3=in between agreeing and disagree; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree. Cronbach alpha is used to measure the reliability, in which alpha should be greater than 0.7 [19, 20].
Data analysis are means, one-way ANOVA, and two-way ANOVA. Means are used to analyzing teachers commitment in every dimension, such as affective commitment, continuous commitment, and normative commitment. One-way ANOVA is used to analyze teachers organizational commitment between excellent schools and low achievement schools. Two-way ANOVA is used to analyze teachers organizational com-mitment between excellent schools and low achievement school in urban and suburban area. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 15 has been used in this study for the purpose of reliability testing (Table 1).
Dimension | Cronbach Alpha |
Organizational commitment | 0.90 |
Affective | 0.81 |
Continuous | 0.94 |
Normative | 0.90 |
3.1. Teacher Organizational Commitment for Each Dimension
The number of teachers involved in this study based on sex is 112 (45.4%) male and 135 (54.6%) female. A public elementary school in Banjarmasin has female teachers more than male teachers. Teachers who graduated with the diploma degree are 166 (67.3%). The teachers with the bachelor degree are 81 (32.7%). Based on the education percentages, education background of the elementary school teacher is still low education, because education standard from Indonesian government for elementary teachers is bachelor degree.
Descriptive analysis is given in Table 2. Table 2 lists the means for each dimension in the commitment. It is seen that affective commitment is very high (mean = 3.77). This means that teachers in Banjarmasin committed effectively at a very high level. Continuous commitment is very high (mean = 3.83). Normative commitment has the high value of mean (mean = 3.38). The continuous commitment has the highest value of the mean. The continuous commitment describes economical reason. Mean for organizational commitment is 3.66, which is very high, indicating that teachers in Banjarmasin are committed to their schools.
Dimension | Mean |
Affective commitment (Y11) | 3.77 |
Continuous commitment (Y12) | 3.83 |
Normative commitment (Y13) | 3.38 |
Organizational commitment (Y1) (overall) | 3.66 |
Furthermore, Table 3 shows that mean for teacher’s organizational commitment in excellent schools is higher than low achievement schools both in urban and suburban school. Affective commitment in excellent school has the mean value more than low achievement school both in urban and in a suburban area. Continuous commitment in excellent school has the mean value higher than low achievement school both in urban and in a suburban area. Normative commitment in excellent school has the mean value higher than low achievement school both in urban and in a suburban area. Mean of organizational commitment for excellent school is 3.93. Mean of organizational commitment for low achievement schools is 3.38. Mean of organizational commitment in excellent school is higher than low achievement school both in the urban and suburban area. School in urban has the higher of mean value than suburban school both in excellent schools and low achievement schools.
3.2. Teachers Organizational Commitment between Excellent and Low Achievement Schools
Test Result of H01: There is no significant difference in teacher’s organizational commitment between excellent school and low achievement schools in Banjarmasin, given in Table 4. Referring to Table 4, mean of organizational commitment both excellent schools and low achievement school are 3.93 and 3.38, with standard deviations 0.76 and 0.44, respectively. The result of one-way ANOVA reveals that F value is 51.370, significant at 0.000 levels. Hence, H01 is rejected as there are differences in the organizational commitment in Excellent and low achievement schools.
No | Dimension | Mean | |||||
Excellent Schools | Low Achievement Schools | ||||||
Overall | Urban | Suburban | Overall | Urban | Suburban | ||
1 | Affective Commitment | 4.06 | 4.22 | 3.49 | 3.47 | 3.99 | 3.33 |
2 | Continuous Commitment | 4.24 | 3.69 | 2.88 | 3.43 | 3.21 | 3.26 |
3 | Normative Commitment | 3.51 | 4.44 | 3.53 | 3.25 | 3.94 | 3.29 |
4 | Overall | 3.93 | 4.11 | 3.29 | 3.38 | 3.71 | 3.29 |
Source | Sum of Squares | Degree of Freedom | Mean Square | F-Values | Sig. |
Among Groups | 20.07 | 1 | 20.07 | 51.370 | 0.000 |
Within Group | 101.21 | 259 | 0.391 | - | - |
Total | 121.28 | 260 | - | - | - |
3.3. Teachers Organizational Commitment between Excellent and Low Achievement Schools in Urban and Suburban Areas in Banjarmasin
The test result of H02: There is no significant difference in teacher’s organizational commitment between excellent schools and low achievement schools both in urban and suburban areas in Banjarmasin, given in Table 5. Table 5 shows that mean for teacher’s organizational commitment of excellent schools in urban is 4.11, and 3.29 for suburban. Mean of low achievement school in urban is 3.71, while the mean of low achievement school in sub-urban is 3.29. Two-way ANOVA result in Table 5 shows that F value for the interaction on teacher’s organizational commitment between excellent and low achievement schools both in urban and suburban areas is 5.368, which is significant (<0.05), hence the H02 is rejected. This shows that there are differences in teacher’s organizational commitment.
The result shows that mean value of each commitment is high value. The continuous value has the highest value. The continuous value explains that the teachers in Banjarmasin commit for their schools for the economic reason. Teachers commit for their school due to the work in the state elementary schools. They also work as the government worker, hence they must have the high commitment to works as the professional teachers. The teachers also get the certification funds from the government to be the professional teachers [21]. The government can stop the certification funds if the teachers have a low commitment. The teachers teach 24 hours/weeks as the requirement to get the certification funds. The teachers' hard work is a form of teachers organizational commitment.
Mean value of teacher’s organizational commitment in excellent school has a higher value than low achievement school. The mean value for teacher's organizational com-mitment in excellent schools is 3.93. Mean of organizational commitment for low achievement schools is 3.38. Teachers in excellent school have a high commitment to their organ-izational than low achievement schools. The teachers always improve their quality as professional teachers [22].
The teachers of the excellent schools and low achievement schools in both urban and suburban areas have differences in teacher’s organizational commitment. The mean value for teacher’s organizational commitment of excellent schools in the urban area is 4.11, and 3.29 for the suburban area. Mean of low achievement school in urban is 3.71 and 3.71 for suburban area. The teachers of the excellent schools in the urban area have better facility, higher quality of students and better climate school than suburban area, hence the teachers commitment is better in the urban area than the suburban area.
Primary education needs the high commitment of teachers to build the strength of primary education. Primary teachers need the satisfaction and good environment to build the high commitment the primary teachers due to the teachers' jobs are formed the quality of student and student acceptable in their environment [13].
The school environment has a stronger impact on teachers' commitment [23]. Organizational climates create positive effects to increase teachers’ responsibility [24]. Organizational climate has an impact on employee’s positive emotion, especially for teachers’ positive emotions in school, which is indicated by strong links, an identification with, and implication for the organization and their responsibility toward the organization [16].

Source | Sum of Squares | Degree of Freedom | Mean Square | F-Values | Sig. |
Corrected Model | 38.550 | 3 | 12.850 | 39.917 | 0.000 |
Intercept | 2,286.568 | 1 | 2,286.568 | 7,102.941 | 0.000 |
Performance | 1.805 | 1 | 1.805 | 5.608 | 0.019 |
Location | 16.760 | 1 | 16.760 | 52.062 | 0.000 |
Location interaction X Performance | 1.728 | 1 | 1.728 | 5.368 | 0.021 |
Error | 82.733 | 257 | 0.322 | - | - |
Total | 3,617.665 | 261 | - | - | - |
A good school environment in an excellent school that can affect the teacher's positive emotions. Excellent school has a better facility, quality of student, and the conducive climate condition of schools than the low achievement school, hence the motivation of teacher is good. The school in urban has a better facility than the school in suburban therefore the motivation of teacher for teaching innovation in the urban area is higher than in suburban area. Teachers with positive emotions can increase their commitment to school organization.
Teachers organizational commitment in elementary schools in Banjarmasin is very good. The continuous value has the highest value of teacher organizational commitment. The continuous value is determined by economic motivation. The teachers get the certification funding from the government, hence they must have the commitment to be the professional teachers. The mean value of organization commitment both excellent schools and low achievement school are 3.93 and 3.38. Mean of teacher’s organizational commitment of excellent schools both in urban and suburban is 4.11, and 3.29, respectively. Mean of low achievement school both in urban and suburban is 3.71 and 3.29. F value for the interaction on teacher’s organizational commitment between excellent and low achievement schools both in urban and suburban areas is 5.368, which is significant (<0.05). It means a significant difference in teacher’s organizational commitment exists between excellent schools and low achievement schools both in urban and suburban areas in Banjarmasin.
Not applicable.
No animals/humans were used for studies that are the basis of this research.
Not applicable.
The author declares no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.
The author would like to thank Dr. Deasy Arisanty, M.Sc, who has advised and revised the manuscript.