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Cross-cultural Study of Resilience, Stress, and Coping Behavior as Prerequisites for the success of international students
Background and Objective:
More students around the world and from the former Soviet Union seek to study abroadThey frequently lack the knowledge necessary for success about their own resources and the obstacles they would encounter in the new socio-cultural environment. The present study aims to explore the prerequisites for successful learning of foreign students, specifically resilience, stress, and coping behavior.
The experimental group consisted of 50 Kazakh students studying abroad. The control groups consisted of 50 Kazakh students studying in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 100 foreign students from India and China studying in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Research methods: Leipzig express test for chronic stress (K. Reschke, G. Schroeder), R. Lazarus coping behavior questionnaire, resilience scale (Wagnild, G. M. & Young, H. M.). Statistical methods: nonparametric Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests, Spearman correlation analysis, factor analysis.
In terms of the level of resilience, the level of chronic stress in general and the effectiveness of coping strategies, there were no significant differences between Kazakhstani students studying abroad and Kazakhstani students studying in the Republic of Kazakhstan. All groups of students (Kazakhs, Chinese, Indians) studying abroad have more differences than similarities in the level of resilience, stress and coping behavior. The cross-cultural aspect of the level of resilience, experiencing stress, and choosing a coping behavior strategy is decisive for teaching foreign students. There were no significant correlations between the level of stress, resilience and coping behavior with gender. At the same time, the higher the age of foreign students, the less they tend to accept themselves and their lives, and the less they are able to positively overestimate a stressful situation. The latent factors of the success of students studying abroad are revealed, we list them in descending order of their importance: a variety of coping behavior strategies, the predominance, first of all, of confrontation and distance as coping strategies; low level of chronic stress, primarily in terms of: loss of meaning and emotionally negatively colored topic; a high level of resilience, primarily in terms of personal competence; the relationship of the coping strategy “planning” and “positive reassessment” with a younger age of a foreign student; lack of sleep disturbance as an indicator of chronic stress; gender, age and time of study are not interconnected with the level of resilience, chronic stress, coping behavior, that is, Kazakhstani students of any gender, age can successfully study abroad.
The factorial cross-cultural aspect of the success of studying Kazakhstani students abroad was studied, taking into account the level of stress, resilience and coping behavior, which have a significant impact on both the success of studying abroad and the entire process of psychological adaptation as a whole. With our study, we would like to draw the attention of domestic and foreign colleagues to the study of the problems of Kazakhstani students studying abroad in order to support their desire to study abroad and enrich the countries of Central Asia with modern specialists.